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Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by jocelyne
5/30/2016  10:22:00 AM
Sorry to be a pest with this but I want to make sure that I'm on the right track. I could be doing a Rumba routine in the near future and was wondering if "Apologize" by One Republic would work best for Rumba. I thought so at first but when I listened to it again, I started thinking it would suit Tango better.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by Leah hewitt
1/13/2017  7:44:00 PM
Good afternoon
I was wondering if you could send me through a list of modern songs that can be use for ballroom dance. We are holding a ball in our local town, we have a band and need to get them a list as they are a young band and not sure on what music.

Leah hewitt
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by nloftofan1
1/15/2017  10:10:00 AM
The band will need more than just a list of songs. Tempo is also important--very important. If they play a wonderful song too fast or too slow, dancers will have a hard time. You can find information on dance tempos on the internet; years ago a band leader who is also a dancer wrote a short "book" for other band leaders explaining this point.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by nloftofan1
1/16/2017  9:58:00 AM
Singers often sing ahead of or behind the beat. This is perfectly acceptable musically, and may be very effective. But it can be confusing to dancers, who are trying to find the beat.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by zhoudoublestar
1/16/2017  6:13:00 AM
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by Guest.
4/11/2017  3:03:00 AM
The Studio I go to, International Style, never ever play any music that has a vocalist singing. That's how it should be if you are serious about your dancing. The same singer could record two Rumbas one at 25 bars and the next at 30 bars a minute. Causing these differences are most likely due to the words of the song being sung. There is a saying. Don't blame the singer. Blame the song.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by Herb
4/10/2017  1:17:00 PM
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by nloftofan1
4/11/2017  9:23:00 AM
Absolutely right: listen to the music. A perfect example is the well-known song "The Way You Look Tonight." The Frank Sinatra version is a Foxtrot. The Michael Buble version is a Rumba. Same song--but the arrangements are very different.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by 10 Dance master
5/8/2017  10:04:00 PM
American Style Rumba @ 32-34 M.P.M.

Int'l Rumba @ 27-29 M.P.M.

Bolero Rumba @ 24-26 M.P.M.

If You Should Purchase Correct Ballroom Music, It Will Be Listed On The Label As Such Music Timing. Correct Timing Can Be Purchased On-Line. Hope This Helps.
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