I'm gone for *one weekend* and you fellas get into the fingerpaints and glitter without me? *sigh*

Ok- going to go down the list, I think.
jofjonesboro:... *blush*... just... *shufflefeetmumble* wait "demure"? *giggle* I think I tried that once. Broke somethin'!

Danceforfun: I think I get what you're saying- we're "social", just not "social DANCERS"... else we'd have built our own studio and totally locked it up to "the oooooutsiiiide woooorld" (somehow said aloud with "spooky fingers" has a more impressive delivery... hmm.). Our weekend was in fact a social outing. Went with our friends to another studio's party, stayed the weekend to shop, dance, overeat, try on awesome shoes and "danceable dresses", and so forth... and we only danced within our group- myself and my partner, that is- our friends did get to dance with one or two other people.
Now, to combine The Last Sentence with Polished's:
Yes. There is a particular "way" we dance relative to them, and we *do* try to focus on some technique, but we don't obsess about it. We implement enough technique so that the level and figures which we dance looks and feels like what it should.
My personal philosophy is that in anything I do, if I love it and throw myself into it, I want to do "right", or as close to as I can. I'd, for instance, rather my partner and I look like dancers than two conjoined cats fighting over a clothesline. That being said, I might catch heat for that, but my reasoning is that dancing is as much exhibitionistic as it is voyeuristic... people ARE going to look at dancers on the floor when the music's on and people are going around. I watch other dancers, not to bash, but because it's oddly entertaining. I just like to watch the flow of people together with music. Call me weird.
I hope I'm not being awful when I say I couldn't really 'get' the rest of the post, and I'm sorry about that. I'd rather not get it *wrong* though. For all the work I do on my feet, they're still wrong... and when I practice, it matters. When I'm social dancing- for FUN, it doesn't matter. We leave it at the door, and just see what happens when we take a 'vacation from thinking too hard about things'.
And who needs CDs? I can has MP3s on those magical little bitty 2 gb micro SD cards so I can listen to tango and foxtrot in the car, on my phone, at the studio via a card reader, etc.! Before I even danced, I had a collection of ballroom music I loved to listen to. I couldn't tell you the top song on the radio today, but I can horribly warble "Why Don't You Do Right"- and a very bad approximation of cha-cha/ Spanish lyrics :) *preen*
I think this thread has shown me that I've just thought waaay too much about "labeling and finding myself"... and not enough time keeping my left foot straight when going to promenade from a twinkle.
This weekend only helped remind me why I love dancing- being on a floor with all kinds of people dancing all kinds of things with great music, chatting with people I knew, giving the hairy-eyeball to the one OCD Performance Princess and Hapless Slave-Dog Partner who loves to run over us as much as she loves to yell at her partner for not letting her backlead something properly (ah, backleading *fond sigh*), and then going out for awesome greasy egg-rolls later.
It's not any one thing- it's all of it rolled up (but not deep-fried- not always, at least).