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Re: Armature Ballroom Dancing
Posted by Quickstep
4/14/2007  5:16:00 PM
There are other things to consider. Where I live as it is at the present we will never see a major Professional competition. We have and will see again an IDSF major competition. Correct me if I am wrong but even on TV we never see a full blown Professional Competition. We do see IDSF. I can' t see any of those TV Empresarios becoming interested untill some sort of order is found.
The IDSF does not give status. You are showing your complete ignorance as usuall. You had better look again.
Ask our Canadian friends how many competitions were blacklisted by the IDSF. I Think it was one out of about six which was ok'd. If you search it is easy to find a list of competitions ratified by the IDSF.In the Uk the EADA said that they had to agree with IDSF or presure would brought against them. This was on dancesport uk's site concerning competitions not granted status. Try to get your facts right before you spout off please. I beleive any controlling body has to be a bit hard at times. You can' t have in a international competition judges not qualified to judge that particular event. Can you.
Re: Armature Ballroom Dancing
Posted by Anonymous
4/14/2007  7:53:00 PM
"The IDSF does not give status. You are showing your complete ignorance as usuall."

You'd really do well to use a bit more care before leveling wild accusations.

I never said that the IDSF granted status; I said the national members body do that, which in fact they do.
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