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Re: why all the hate
Posted by danceforlife19
8/1/2007  10:10:00 AM
Ignorance is bliss. I'm not saying there aren't many good debates here, but come on you have to admit posts like: I hate AM and American style sucks, or replies like, your teacher is an idiot and why can't you spell you must have no clue, are incredibly hateful and ignorant. So not everyone just those that are snobbish, or elitist, or just plain mean. Again as in the first post, debates are good, hateful debate is bad...simple as that. Some of the people here need to grow up. And to make you feel good...MOST don't.
The sins of the few.
Re: why all the hate
Posted by rhythm4ever
8/1/2007  12:57:00 PM
to dancerforlife19 - very well said, I usually don't post just come to read the discussions but I just had to say I love some of the topics but others just leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. There is nothing wrong with a healthy debate but the derogatory comments have GOT to go the conversations on here can certainly be candid AND civil at the same time, right?
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