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Re: ISTD Social Competitions and the Bad Judging
Posted by terence2
1/21/2018  7:26:00 AM
First... the ISTD is not a dance school. Secondly, judging is always ( or should be ) subjective .At the level you are in there needs to be at least 3 judges where a majority decision can be reached.

I have judged solo, but that is often in dance schools and mainly on choreod routines. Other than that, I never have been on a panel with fewer than 3 judges .
Re: ISTD Social Competitions and the Bad Judging
Posted by BallroomChick
1/25/2018  2:05:00 PM
I don't know where you are competing. If you are standing up with poise and posture, using your ankles, keeping your frame the judges have to look at you. Something else is missing.

If you don't like the results you are getting, try a different instructor / studio. Don't be afraid if they take you back to basics to correct a problem. Even professional champions go back to basics as they practice. You HAVE to have a solid foundation to all dances.
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