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Re: Prejudice Against Black Women Dancers? Yes or No?
Posted by amandanicole
1/6/2019  1:49:00 PM
I understand you! I first and foremost will not minimize your experience as I have seen some people do on this forum!

I would like to introduce myself as an extremely 'seasoned' Latin Ballroom dancer. I've been trained professionally for 17 years by many coaches and instructors. Nearly every studio that I have attended has rendered a bitter-sweet experience.

As a Black woman in Ballroom dance, I understand the standards for physical presentation and dance technique must not only be met, but also surpassed. Black women in Ballroom dance MUST look more attractive than most women, and dance better than most women in order to receive proper treatment from most male dancers. This is not an option!

As we know as Black women, life demands more from us in a nation that enslaved our people, and continues to treat us as 3/5 human.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-Fifths_Compromise)

In this case, Black women are treated 3/5 woman! lol

I give full credibility to your post and experiences as it is the experience of so many successful Black women (ie. Vanessa Lynn Williams, etc.)

Please be encouraged. I hope you are able to travel to countries where Black people were NEVER enslaved so that you can consistently receive the best treatment! Thank you for your comments. If you'd like, you can email me:suissemissgold@gmail.com.
Re: Prejudice Against Black Women Dancers? Yes or No?
Posted by nloftofan1
1/8/2019  10:00:00 AM
I know two black dancers, both male. One is a ballroom dancer. He doesn't seem to have a problem getting ladies to dance with him. The other does Argentine Tango--very well. Ladies LOVE to dance with him. Perhaps it's different for black women.
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