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Re: Devistated
Posted by bocagirl
2/19/2019  11:58:00 PM
Ladydance gave a hard answer, but a very realistic and very good one. Try a new teacher - particularly one that pushes you hard. You'll be so focused on climbing to a new level of abilities, that the other emotional support aspects from your earlier teacher will be replaced by your own confidence and resilience.
Re: Devistated
Posted by Robin Broadbent
2/25/2019  1:09:00 PM
I haven't decided what I am going to do yet. I know that students in general are just meat for thesaurus grinder and teachers prey on emotion. I have worked with a number of teachers to know this to be true. This particular teacher and I have been through a lot over the past 5 years and is the one teacher that has pushed me harder than any other. He is one of the rare teachers that genuinely cares about his students and their dance experience. I have had other teachers who have moved and have not had trouble with them leaving. The experiences I have had over the past 5 years and the comradery we have had is what is making this such a hard transistion. sometimes the bar is set so high that it simply can't be reached by anyone else.
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