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Re: New Comer
Posted by SocialDancer
5/20/2019  3:43:00 PM
Malta is very popular with older Brits who like to spend a few winter months in the warmer climate. I understand several of the hotels cater for them by offering ballroom and sequence dancing.

Sequence dancing uses the standard ballroom and latin rhythms plus a few others, but each individual dance has a distinct name and repeated 16 bar routine that every body dances at the same time (in theory). Because the dancers are typically older the emphasis is on the social aspects rather than technique.
Re: New Comer
Posted by BallroomChick
5/31/2019  2:16:00 PM
I started competitive dancing in my late 40's and has NO dance training when I was a child.

There are ladies 70 ++ out on the competitive floor.

Samba is pretty advance and is not usually taught until you get some better at cha cha and rumba.

Quick Step has a prerequisite of Foxtrot since it's a faster bit of a variation of it.

My advice is - stay with it! It's loads of information and step patterns, technique at first. It WILL get easier when these things start to become muscle memory.
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