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Re: My Wife's Dancing
Posted by Jeffery Tracy
12/22/2020  9:32:00 PM
Most men who say they don't enjoy dancing, actually just don't feel comfortable dancing, especially if their partner is better than they are on the dance floor. This is a self confidence issue, that can easily be fixed by you spending the time learning to be a better and more confident dancer. Not only will your wife appreciate it, but you will find that you are enjoying being a dancer. I would almost bet that you both learned to dance together? Right? If you did, then its no wonder she feels better about dancing than you do. Women are "led" through many many steps on the dance floor by different partners, often having no idea what they are doing, but because they learned to follow a good leader they enjoy themselves and learn much quicker than their husbands.
My advice, schedule dance lessons for yourself only. Your Teacher will be able to spend quality time teaching you and you will improve significantly in a very short time. Maybe you will learn to Love Dancing!!
Re: My Wife's Dancing
Posted by Gakket Darrey
8/24/2020  12:01:00 PM
It's normal that spouses have different hobbies. It seems to me that you need to trust your partner more.
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