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Re: Foot work Charts
Posted by dancyn
1/11/2021  3:13:00 PM
Hi Paul. Most dance technical specification manuals (ISTD, DVIDA, etc.) will contain a chart heading for "Footwork", including the tech charts here in Ballroom Dancers dot com (BDC). For example, referring to figure #1 of American waltz Left Box (Reverse) Turn under "Man's Part" is a column called "Footwork", below which we see the footwork for Step 1 is "Heel-toe". The problem many have is understanding really what it means when the manual gives footwork. For example, understanding the difference between "heel", "heel ball", and "heel toe". Unfortunately, BDC does not seem to provide a descriptive of " Footwork" that I can tell. While i was not able to find good descriptions on line, they may exist. I do know the DVIDA tech manuals contain descriptions for footwork. I hope this addresses your question.
Re: Foot work Charts
Posted by Paul Oulton
1/13/2021  8:52:00 PM
Thanks The only page that shows a chart is the above answer under overview
I know there are written text for each of the dances but the actual picture of feet positions does not exist like it does in overview for example you gave for other movements Maybe a manual some were might have? Most I have seen only couple basic are shown. Not a chart for each syllabus step Cheers
Re: Foot work Charts
Posted by Craig Popham
1/18/2021  2:22:00 PM
Hi Paul, I think I understand what you're looking for: my grandmother had the old Arthur Murray (?) foldout sheets with the foot positions and steps on it for a person to follow. As far as I know, they're very difficult to find.
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