Operabob. I think the tape Intermediate Variations in Latin American Dancing is still available By Donnie Burns and Gaynor Fairweather. It wasn't that expensive when I bought it. I have some friends who went to see a practice Latin session, invitation only. They begged to be allowed in just to watch, and were lucky, they were told to sit on the stage and not to move . The moral of this story is that Burns and Gaynor practiced basics like, the Fan into a Hockey stick, over and over again. I heard this tale from Alan Fletcher in a lecture.. Donnie Burns came for his lesson, Finished and said, see you in a couple of weeks. Alan has a waiting room. After his next lesson he went to the waiting room for a cup of coffeee. And there still practicing what they had been discussing. was Donnie and Gaynor. This is the sort of dedication that is lacking with most of us. And remember they were still British champions at that time.