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paso doble
Posted by Imlovinit
12/7/2006  4:22:00 PM
Hey fellow dancers,I'd like to learn the paso doble. For those of you who have learned it,how difficult was it to learn? I'm a woman and have been dancing for a year. Thanks for any input.
Re: paso doble
Posted by Don
12/11/2006  2:03:00 PM
Imiovinit.The problem with the Paso is its different. Most of the steps are heel leads. There is no rise and fall except what happens naturally. The music is not eight bar phrased as the other dances are. The phrasing that is there is not consistant. And you have to start dancing from the very first note, there is no introduction. One more thing. You look at your partner most of the time.The other thing is find a good teacher.
paso doble
Posted by Sami
5/3/2007  6:56:00 PM
It is a lot like what Don has said, you have to be strong as your partner needs to lead strong you need your actions to be sharp.

The music is fast and when you go to dance to it you will freak until you've dance to it a few times.

Your facial expression should be a bit of a frown, your not ment to smile.

Have fun, I love the Paso, it's really fun,

Good Luck!
Re: paso doble
Posted by JB_Locke
5/3/2007  11:08:00 PM
I've been working on a Paso routine with my fiance' for about a month. Couple things I've learned:

Your presentation is the key.

Work with your partner to achieve the style the Paso is intended to portray.

The steps are not hard, in fact, most are suprisingly easy. Like Sami said, fast steps are the main problem, along with how you take those steps.

If you get the attitude, posture and styling of Paso, you will pull it off.

If you think you have the basic "look" of the Paso down, then bring it up a couple notches and overdo it.

I'm no expert, but these are some things that I have picked up, good luck!
Re: paso doble
Posted by LuvLatin
5/4/2007  2:12:00 AM
The Paso is different. If i can explain something. In ballroom we are used to closing our feet. to the side LF and close RF to LF.
In the Paso there are many steps where you will step through on your RF and close your LF to the front of the RF. This is from the man' s side. There is also a step called an Appel. Some people stamp their foot there, but that is wrong. With feet together press the RF to the floor taking a beat of music and lead off with the LF into the next figure. You've probably already struck this. but just incase you haven't. good luck.
Men When that bull comes at you don' t be looking out the window. Look at her.
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