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Tango for Fast Learners
Posted by traditionaltango
5/8/2013  12:31:00 PM
Dates in May
Part 1: Sat 11th, 2-5pm
Part 2: Mon 13th 7-10pm

Dates in June
Part 1: Sat 15th, 2-5pm
Part 2: Mon 17th 7-10pm

Dates in July
Part 1: Sat 13th, 2-5pm
Part 2: Mon 15th 7-10pm

Dates in August
Part 1: Sat 10th, 2-5pm
Part 2: Mon 12th 7-10pm

Tango Fundamentals Marathon
For totally beginners and Pre-Intermediate students

Tango for Fast Learners is an intensive workshop for people who want to take the challenge of learning all the basics of tango in two days. Students will be introduced to all of the basics they need to dance with elegance and style at milongas.
No partner needed No tango experience required
Coordination and balance is required.
Leather soled shoes are required.
PART 1: Fundamentals, posture, embrace, feet positions, musicality, connection, navigation, paso basico, forward and backward ochos, back ocho parada and sandwich, planeo. Etiquette at milongas (social dancing)
Calesitas, Boleos, ganchos, sacadas, remolino, molinetes and molinetes in combination with enrosques y entradas. Revision and understanding of the Learn Argentine Tango system.
One 3 hour workshop: $85 (paid in advance)
Two workshops: $165 (paid in advance) At the door $90 (for one day) $170 (for both days)
Classes are located at: Pearl Studios, 500 8th ave, 12th fl @ 35th st.
All the attendants will receive $30 OFF for our regular pack of classes.
RESERVE YOUR SPACE and save money buying in advance
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