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American Foxtrot curved feather
Posted by Letsdancenow2
8/24/2014  7:54:00 AM
What is the move following the American Foxtrot curved feather, his legs appear to be in locked position at the end of this move?
Re: American Foxtrot curved feather
Posted by Waltz123
8/24/2014  10:26:00 AM
It's a Curved Back Feather, which is essentially a Curved Feather with man and lady switching parts. So the man's 6th step is nearly identical to the lady's 3rd: Back in CBMP, very small step.

Of course it's not necessary to dance these two measures in succession. Either one can be taken in isolation, and preceded and followed by any number of figures. A Curved Feather is often followed by a regular (non-curved) Back Feather moving toward diagonal center. Natural and Reverse Twinkles also work, as does 4-6 Closed or Open Right Box (i.e. Running Finish). You can even use some of the walking bronze figures (e.g. Back Basic). And of course, you can open up a world of options if you venture outside the syllabus -- Outside Spin, Outside Swivel, Tipple Chasse, etc.

Precedes to the Curved Back Feather include all of the same figures that precede the Natural Twinkle, such as 1-3 Open Right Turn, 1-6 Twinkle to Pivots, or even a RF Passing Backward Change if taken at a corner.

Re: American Foxtrot curved feather
Posted by terence2
8/27/2014  2:15:00 AM

The combo of.. Curved Feather to Back feather to Feather Finish.. Known as the The " Prince of wales ". One of the most clasic Foxtrot Amalag/variations, and great for developing and refining technique .

Wanna create " swing " in your FT ? then practice that combo
Re: American Foxtrot curved feather
Posted by O.K.
8/27/2014  5:48:00 PM
I have not got the latest Technique Book. In mine there is no Curving Feather.I do understand that any turn or curve has Sway. Question. In the latest Technique Book is the first step of a Curving Feather a straight step. Therefor no Sway until the second and third steps. What does it say?.
Re: American Foxtrot curved feather
Posted by nloftofan1
8/28/2014  9:06:00 AM
According to the IDTA book (Guy Howard) you are correct. The sway on the three steps of the Curved Feather is/are:

1 St
2 R
3 R
Re: American Foxtrot curved feather
Posted by O.K.
8/29/2014  1:59:00 AM
nioftofant 1.Thanks for the information. It seems there is a tendency for a person to wrongly turn on the first step. It means to do it correctly relies a lot on the lady not to anticipate the move
Re: American Foxtrot curved feather
Posted by Telemark
8/31/2014  12:10:00 AM
As we're talking about IDTA (International) Foxtrot technique, note that turn does commence on 1, with 1/8 to R between 1 & 2, 1/8 between 2 & 3 and CBM on 1 & 3.
Re: American Foxtrot curved feather
Posted by socialdancer
9/1/2014  3:09:00 AM
We need to be careful that we are all using the same definitions and meaning of the terms used in the book.
For International style the IDTA use the term "straight" solely in relation to sway, where it is understood to mean 'no sway'. It has no bearing on the direction of movement or turn of body or feet.
I agree that we often see turn taken too early. The turn does commence on 1, mainly due to the use of CBM, but the step is still taken forward. Starting the turn too early results in the RF moving diagonally forward.
Re: American Foxtrot curved feather
Posted by O.K.
9/8/2014  10:40:00 PM
Telemark Be careful when quoting from a book. When you write. 1/8 of a turn between 1 & 2 . Is that beats one and two, or steps one and two. It would be better to write an 1/8 of a turn at the end of the first step which is a Slow . And what is most important is what is our alignment at the beginning of the first step. I take it we wish to finish backing the LOD. So watch the amounts of turn as well as our starting alignment.
Re: American Foxtrot curved feather
Posted by Telemark
9/10/2014  3:21:00 AM
"Telemark Be careful when quoting from a book."

I don't need to take care over such elementary applications of technique, thanks.

"I take it we wish to finish backing the LOD"

We don't.
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