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Televised Ballroom shows in the late 50's/60's.
Posted by Linda Howard
8/20/2015  7:09:00 AM
My mother used to dance for the Arthur Murray dance studio back in the late 50's or early 60's in Shreveport, LA. I wanted so bad to have that film of her dancing on tv just that one time when Arthur Murray had a show that comes on once a week. A while back I was told that no films was kept from back then. So there's really no way I can get a video/film? She wore a blue puffed chiffon dress and she had short red hair.
I thank you for any info and your time.

Linda Howard
Re: Televised Ballroom shows in the late 50's/60's
Posted by terence2
8/30/2015  11:44:00 PM

Hi Linda.. I worked in the AM studio in 1974, and there were, generally, filming of some sort going on > I worked with the org. from the late 50s, in several locations, and can assure you ,filming of Medal balls etc, were always done. How to locate them ? that's a difficult question..

Just had a thought.. Contact Pat Traymore and Frank Regan, both are still active with AM, and Pat did many of the AM B/room TV shows with Terry Leone ( with whom I worked for a short period ).
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