Hi Alic11,
Here area few typical entires into the Step-Point figure in Foxtrot:
(1) Dance 1-3 Open Reverse Turn / Open Left Box, taking 1/4 turn to left to end with man backing diagonal wall. Either extend frame slightly to achieve a non-contact hold, or release frame altogether to achieve a two-hand hold. Follow with Step-Points backward (man back, lady forward). An odd number of these will leave the man's left foot free, so I suggest following with a Reverse Twinkle or a Back Run (SQQ). An even number will leave the man's right foot free to follow with a Feather Finish, taking 3/8 turn to left to end facing wall.
(2) If you dance a full Reverse Turn / Open Left Box you can likewise follow with Step-Points, this time with man dancing the forward part while lady dances back. Take the normal amount of turn on the Open Reverse, but release the hold as above. The first step of the first Step-Point will be taken with man dancing in line with lady. An odd number can be followed by a Feather Step, while and even number can be followed by an Outside Check & Develope, an Offset Twinkle, or a Passing Change.
Speaking of Passing Changes, they have quite a bit in common with the Step-Points. They can be taken forward or back, they begin and end on the same foot, and have the same alignments and amounts of turn. So they're almost entirely interchangeable, and can be mixed and matched at will. So for a full list of precedes and follows for Step-Points, just check either the same list for Passing Changes, or even for the Bronze level Change Steps O.P.!
(3) The most popular entry into Step-Points is probably the Syncopated Underarm turn to Right. The underarm turn is a slick way to transition from closed hold to open facing, and the figure leaves you perfectly set up with your left foot free to step forward outside partner on the lady's left, to begin a series of Step-Points. The only difference here is that the man will be facing generally toward center (alternating between DC and DC against LOD), so your follows will be a bit different than the version taken after the Open Reverse. My recommendation is to follow with a Grapevine to Right (two-hand hold), an Open Left Box, or if you're at a corner, an Offset Twinkle.
Hope that helps!
Jonathan Atkinson