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What to charge for Cotillion...Help!
Posted by JesseTL
10/21/2017  9:19:00 AM
Hello BD Forum! I am hoping to get some advice from the collective intelligence. I am going to be teaching my first Cotillion classes at a local high school (so excited!). I got the dreaded question of how much to charge. Thankfully i have a little bit of time to get back to her but I will need to come up with something soon.

Details: I will be teaching 6 Classes, each 1 hour and 30 minutes, and there are estimated to be between 15-20 students (depending on the last minute sign ups getting their tuition on time) Also I do not know how much they are being charged for the whole thing.

My first thought was $600 which would be $100 per class but I dont know if that is too much or not nearly enough :O If anyone has experience or advice I would appreciate it so much! I cant find anything online on how much to charge for a teacher. there is a lot about how much individual students should expect to pay but considering I am just a portion of their Cotillion education its hard to judge how much of that percentage i should expect.
Re: What to charge for Cotillion...Help!
Posted by Ladydance
10/21/2017  3:57:00 PM
At our studio, we charge $150 an hour to teach in a school. The justification is that it takes two hours of our day when one figures in the travelling time. I think $600 is reasonable.
Re: What to charge for Cotillion...Help!
Posted by JesseTL
10/21/2017  6:43:00 PM
Thank you very much! I appreciate the information. I think I'll go ahead and ask for $600 total.
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