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Injured while practicing - Need help
Posted by Amy Vick
11/7/2017  8:09:00 PM
Hi! I have started dancing at the age of 3. I'm passionate about it. One of my aims is to start a ballet class for kids in my neighborhood. Currently, I'm saving for it.
Ballet dance gives me a pleasure and relief from my stressed out life. Once I start dancing, I will forget everything and my mind will be relaxed. I practice it daily for 2 hours. Last day while practicing, I injured myself. There was no major issue, so I continued practicing after taking rest. But later that night I experienced severe back pain. I was not able to sit or walk. My mom kept hot pack and applied an ointment for the pain relief. I felt relief for some time, but the pain was back with more severity. I don't know what to do. I consulted the nearby GP and he advised me to take proper rest for 2 weeks. I told him that I cannot miss my ballet class and I have a competition in the coming month. So he advised undergoing physiotherapy treatment from Toronto ( https://www.physiomed.ca/treatments/physiotherapy/ ). I'm concerned about my condition. Will I be alright within a week? Has anyone here got injured while dancing? What treatment have you undergone? Any advice is highly appreciated. Thanks!
Re: Injured while practicing - Need help
Posted by nloftofan1
11/8/2017  11:02:00 AM
You don't say what your physician's diagnosis was, and you're asking non-experts to diagnose your condition without seeing you. Will you be better in a week? How could we possibly know? There are a number of different possible causes for the pain you are experiencing. If you had pneumonia you would miss your ballet class and/or the competition, wouldn't you? Possibly missing them is better than not missing them and possibly causing more severe damage, isn't it? Miss these few now, or possibly miss a lot more later. Your choice.
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