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Heavy Metal Dancer
Posted by Robert Wright
3/8/2018  11:17:00 AM
Posted earlier; thinking maybe no Metalheads dance...
I dance. I listen to Heavy Metal. Suggestions on Metal music to dance too. Don't mind bending a song to fit a need, and don't mind syncopating measured phrases for same. Have the usuals: Type-O-Negatives "Red Water" (waltz); Godsmacks "Voodo" (rumba), etc. Actually have quite a list of ear-bending dance music, but always happy for more. List available on request from fellow happy-feeted metalheads! New to this forum and excited to hear from passionate dancers who don't mind bending a few rules (as long as the footwork remains proper!)
Have put Rob Zombies "Take Her Down To Crippletown" on the Heritage dance floor...didn't place (shocker!) but received kudos from fellow competitors!
Just looking for open minds and new boundaries to explore...
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