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Dress Attire for Competitions
Posted by EmmersC1999
3/9/2018  7:37:00 AM
I plan on going to observe a ballroom competition soon, and I'll be attending an under 21 championships event and a professional showcase. What would be appropriate to wear? I was planning on wearing a cocktail dress, however I keep on questioning myself on whether it would be too fancy or not. Thanks!
Re: Dress Attire for Competitions
Posted by Ladydance
3/14/2018  3:33:00 PM
Every comp I've attended tended to be casual during the day and formal in the evening. So a cocktail dress would be appropriate in the evening. You will not be too fancy.
Re: Dress Attire for Competitions
Posted by EmmersC1999
3/16/2018  11:40:00 AM
Thank you!
Re: Dress Attire for Competitions
Posted by seraphina.13
3/16/2018  8:52:00 AM
For daytime spectating, I go with business casual. Evening sessions are usually dressier, so I opt for cocktail party/upscale club wear.
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