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Mambo Syllabus
Man's Part
Lady's Part
Demo Videos
Beginning Bronze
1a. Mambo Basic<<>>
1b. Progressive Basic<<>>
2. Side Breaks<<>>
3. Open Break & Underarm Turn to R.<<>>
4. Fifth Position Breaks<<>>
5. Crossover Breaks Forward<<>>
Intermediate Bronze
6. Crossover Breaks Back<<>>
7. Crossover Turns<<>>
8. Fallaway Rock & Swivel<<>>
9. Cross Body Lead<<>>
10. Stop & Go<<>>
11. Underarm Pass
12. Back Pass<<>>
13. Man's Underarm Turn
Full Bronze
14. Traveling Underarm Turn to R.<<>>
15. Turnstile<<>>
16. Back Spot Turn<<
17. Forward Spot Turn<<>>
18. Spot Turn in Two Directions<<
19. Half Circle
20. Half Moon<<
21. Chase<<>>
Beginning Silver
22. Open Left Turn
23. Crossover Side Breaks
24. Fifth Position Side Breaks
25. Cross-Body Lead w/ UAT L.
26. Double Underarm Turn to L.
Intermediate Silver
27. Apache Turn
28. Curl
29. Opening Out
30. Opening Outs to R&L
31. Cross Points
Full Silver
32. Promenade Swivels
33. Circling Swivels
34. Crossover Swivels
35. Step-Over Swivels
36. Right Side Passes
37. Basket & Check
38. Alternating Twists
Open Gold Variatiations
v1. Mambo Variation 1
v2. Mambo Variation 2
v3. Mambo Variation 3
v4. Mambo Variation 4
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