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8. Basic Weave
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Basic Weave
Dance / Level:Full Bronze Slow Foxtrot
Aliases:Reverse Weave

There two Weaves in the bronze Foxtrot syllabus, one natural and one reverse. The reverse version of the weave has been dubbed the Basic Weave (likely because the term Reverse Weave would be too easily confused with an entirely different figure, the Reverse Wave). In its most distilled form, the Basic Weave is a simple left-turning pattern of 6 steps, similar in foot placements to the Open Reverse Turns of Tango or American style Waltz or Foxtrot, but taken mostly on toes.

The figure begins with the man facing diagonal center against line of dance. He proceeds to take 6 steps, starting with the left foot: Forward, side, back in CBMP (lady outside), then back, side & slightly forward, and finally forward in CBMP, outside partner, taking 1/2 turn to left to end facing diagonal wall. The lady's part is nearly the natural opposite, except that her fifth step is to the side. Similarly to the Natural Weave, the last 3 steps of the Basic Weave are sometimes referred to as a Weave Finish, a type of Feather Finish commenced on toes.

Because of the unusual starting alignment, the Basic Weave has very few options for preceding figures, especially in the bronze syllabus. In fact, it is nearly always danced in a rather unique and specific combination: Steps 1-3 of a Reverse Turn, a single checked walk back on man's right foot (lady forward on left), and then the Basic Weave. The preceding Reverse Turn would begin with man facing diagonal center as usual, turning 1/4 to left to end backing diagonal wall. Several more options exist for this combination, including:

  • Man begins facing line of dance, turning 3/8 to left over 1-3 Reverse Turn.
  • Man begins facing diagonal wall, turning 3/8 to left over 1-3 Reverse Turn, then 1/8 to left on back check.
  • Man begins facing diagonal center at a corner, turning 1/4 to left over 1-3 Reverse Turn, then 3/4 to left during Basic Weave.
  • Man begins facing line of dance at a corner, turning 3/8 to left over 1-3 Reverse Turn, then 3/4 to left during Basic Weave.
  • Man begins facing diagonal wall at a corner, turning 3/8 to left over 1-3 Reverse Turn, 1/8 to left on back check, then 3/4 to left during Basic Weave.

Later in the syllabus there are a few more options for preceding the Basic Weave, typically with the Weave beginning with man facing diagonal center and turning 3/4 to left. But no combination is quite as popular as the Reverse Turn, Check and Weave. For a full list of preceding and following figures, click on the corresponding tabs above.

Like the Natural Weave, the Basic Weave can be extended. It is not part of the official syllabus and therefore not allowed in medialist examinations or syllabus competitions, but it's nonetheless a very popular variation for social dancing, shows, and other non-syllabus aplication. To extend the Basic Weave, two additional steps are inserted after step 3 and before the Weave Finish. The man's steps are: (1) right foot back, right side leading, and (2) left foot back in CBMP, lady outside. The lady's part is the natural opposite. These two steps can be repeated to further extend the weave, although care must be taken when moving backward for an extended period of time.


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