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American Viennese Waltz
Cross Body Lead to Underarm Turn to Left
11. Cross Body Lead to Underarm Turn to Left
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Cross Body Lead to Underarm Turn to Left
Dance / Level:Full Bronze American Viennese Waltz
Aliases:Cross-Body Lead to Inside Underarm Turn

The Underarm Turn to Left that follows a Cross-Body Lead differs from the basic Underarm Turn to Left (Bronze fig.17 in Waltz, Silver fig. 22 in Viennese Waltz) in that it takes place over the first half of the Reverse Turn rather than the second. The Cross-Body Lead is used as a precede for the purpose of increasing space iin the dance position, as well as creating an generating exra turn for the lady immediately prior to the commencing the underarm turn.

The figure begiins with the first 6 steps of a Cross-Body Lead (which in Viennese Waltz consists of 1-3 of a Reverse Turn followed by the Cross-Body Lead itself). The lady's turn at the end of step 6 of the Cross-Body Lead is really the beginning of the turn that constitutes the Underarm Turn to Left, and this turn continues for the next 3 steps, under raised LH-RH hold, with lady and man ending the turn in an open facing position, hands lowering to waist level. During the lady's turn, the man dances 3 forward runs, LRL, checking on his last step to prepare for the directional change required to move into the first step of the next figure.

At the conclusion of the underarm turn on step 6, the hands must be lowered immediately, increasing tone in the arm with both partners' weight held towards each other (i.e. a "push" connection), so that the man can lead the lady into the direction of the first step of the following figure, since there are several options from this point. The direction of the step and the amount of turn required for the following figure depends on the beginning position of the desired firgure. The options for follows in the Bronze level include Open Break, Open Hesitation, or Explosion.

  • To end in left side-by-side position, the man and lady must turn 1/4 each to face wall, and follow with an Explosion.
  • To end in open counter-promenade position, the man and lady must turn 1/8 each, man facing diagonal wall and lady facing diagonal wall against line of dance. This can be followed by an open counter-promenade variation of any of the following figures: Explosion, SIde Hesitation, Fifth Position Break or Open Break.
  • Ending in open facing position is possible to do when the Underarm Turn is danced exactly as written in the charts. The direction of their step would then be side and slightly back. However, it requires an abrupt directional change which can be difficult to lead effetively. A preferred solution is to lead the lady to under-turn by 1/8, taking the Underarm Turn toward diagonal wall and ending with man facing and lady backing the same. They then both turn 1/8 to left between step 9 and the first step of the following figure, with man stepping side and lady stepping side and slightly back. Either version can be followed by an open facing Side Hesitation, Fifth Position Break, Open Break, or Explosion.


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