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13. Tipple Chasse to Right
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Tipple Chasse to Right
Dance / Level:Full Bronze Quickstep
Aliases:Tipple, Tipple Chasse

The term tipple is a reference to alcohol or the act of drinking, the implication being that the dancing of this particular type of chasse makes the dancer appear off balance, perhaps as a result of being intoxicated.

The "off-balance" look is due to the unusual sway often used during steps 2-3 of the chasse. Rather than inclining opposite the direction of travel as is customary on most swinging figures (e.g. swaying to left while moving to the right), when dancing a Tipple Chassé to Right, the dancers incline toward the direction of travel, which is to the man's right and lady's left.

The entire figure is actually a short amalgamation of two different components: The core Tipple Chasse action itself, comprised of 4 steps, counted "Slow, quick quick slow", and steps 2-5 of a Forward Lock, counted "Quick quick slow, slow". It begins at a corner with man and lady in closed position, the man backing (and lady facing) line of dance. The man steps back on his left foot, then dances a chasse to his right, RF, LF, while turning to the right. This is the chasse that has the unusual sway to right. He then steps side & slightly forward, having turned a total of 3/8 to right over the first 4 steps to end facing diagonal wall of the new line of dance. From there, he continues with his left foot forward, left side leading into steps 2-5 of the Forward Lock. The lady's part is the natural opposite.

Although popular, the sway that gives the Tipple its characteristic "off-balance" appearance is not actually necessary. And due to the difficulty in employing this type of sway in an effective and pleasing manner, it is often recommended that novice dancers first learn the figure without sway. This is a perfectly acceptable way to dance the Tipple Chasse, as it is with most other chasses in the bronze syllabus, and makes the learning of the figure easier.

13b. Overturned Tipple Chasse

The Tipple Chasse can be overturned in two possible ways:

First, an additional 1/8 turn to right can be taken between steps 4-5, the transition between the chasse and the Forward Lock. This enables it to be taken at the side of the room, when begun with man backing diagonal wall, following a Progressive Chasse to Right or Back Lock. The total amount of turn is 1/2 to right, and ends with man facing diagonal wall. Note that the first step is taken with lady outside partner on man's right.

A second option can begin with man backing line of dance, either with lady in line following 1-3 Natural Turn, or with lady outside partner following Natural Turn to Back Lock. 1/2 turn to right is taken over steps 1-3, with an additional 1/8 taken over 4-5, to end with man facing diagonal wall.

13c. Underturned Tipple Chasse

To underturn theTipple Chassé, the dancers must check the turn by flexing the knees on the fourth step, causing a more abrupt change of direction between the 4th and 5th step. In the corner of the room, 1/4 turn to right is taken over steps 1-4 to end with man facing line of dance. The Forward Lock is then taken toward diaonal center of the new line of dance.


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