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7. Closed Impetus
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Closed Impetus
Dance / Level:Intermediate Bronze Slow Waltz
Natural Turn

The word impetus is defined as the force or energy that propels something. The Closed Impetus may have derived ts name from the impression one gets from watching a couple as they swing around each other, much as they do when dancing this figure. More specifically, during the Closed Impetus, the lady swings naturally around the man as he dances a heel turn.

The Impetus in Waltz begins in closed position with the man backing and lady facing line of dance. The man begins by stepping back on his left foot, closing his right foot to his left to dance a heel turn. The lady follows by stepping forward on her right foot, then sideways around the man. At this point they rise to toes, and the man then steps side & slightly back, lady diagonally forward. The slight difference in their direction of travel on this last step owes to the fact that the man is stepping slightly around the lady, as the rotation continues until the last step has begun to receive weight. In total, they will have turned 5/8 to right.

For the lady, this figure will seem quite similar to steps 4-6 of the Natural Spin Turn. But there is less body flight, and the turn is tighter, since the man is in this case turning over a fixed point. Another distinguishing characteristic of the Closed Impoetus is the fact that, unlike the Natural Spin Turn, it can begin with the lady taking her first step outside partner on the man's right side. This would take place following a figure such as Progressive Chassé to Right or Back Lock.

The Impetus can be followed by any figure that begins with the man stepping back on his right foot. At the bronze level, the options are limited to 4-6 Reverse Turn, Reverse Corté, and Reverse Pivot. At the side of the room, these figures would need to be underturned, taking no more than 1/4 turn to left altogether, to ensure progression down the line of dance thereafter. More turn could be made on the following figure if the Impetus is taken at a corner.


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