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13. Right Pivot Turn Fact Sheet
The Right Pivot Turn is a movement similar to the Hesitation Right Turn, but instead of dancing a hesitation, man and lady dance a right-turning pivot. The resulting movement is more progressive than its hesitation-based cousin, and so the alignments are more specific: The pivot must move down the line of dance. The man begins facing diagonal wall, and takes steps 1-4 of a Natural Turn with 3/8 turn to right (which can also be thought of as anoverturned Progressive Quarter Turn) to end with man backing and lady facing line of dance. This position enables the couple to take the pivot down the line of dance. The basic form of the Right Pivot Turn is taken with 3/8 turn to right on the pivot itself, with the following 3 steps being a RF Forward change taken without any additional turn, so that the figure ends with man facing and lady backing diagonal to center. However, more or less turn is possible on both the pivot itself and the 3 steps that follow, such that the dancers could turn as much as 7/8 over the last 4 steps, to end with man backing diagonal center, or as little as 1/8 -- more likely at a corner of the room, to end with man facing diagonal center of the new line of dance. When steps 6-8 are turned, they are no longer taken as a Forward Change, but as a Right Box Turn. Other typical turn and alignment combinations are as follows:
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